Rosemarie Calvert

Revenue Generation, Publishing Management, Outreach & Advocacy

Rosemarie CalvertRosemarie Calvert is a senior executive with 30 years of non-profit and for profit sales and marketing, business development and publishing management experience. Her experience is driven by a priority mindset of economic and social transformation via holistic sustainability and shared value. To this end, Calvert is particularly focused on outreach, strategic development, market development and positioning, magazines that build and support communities, advocacy and diversified revenue generation. Career-wide, she has generated more than $100 million through advertising sales, sponsorships, partnerships, program income, corporate alliances and grants. Calvert also has extensive experience in public/private partnerships; stakeholder relations; program development; non-profit management; strategic planning; idea generation; editorial, circulation and advertising sales management; member/customer recruitment, retention and management; and nextgen technology solutions.

Calvert has held executive level and sales management positions as Vice President, Marketing; Director; Group Publisher; Publisher; Editorial Director; Sales Director; Sales Manager; Executive Director; President and Director of Development and Communications within a variety of markets to include health; disability rights; architecture, engineering and construction; military; conservation; small business; science; and international security and holistic sustainability.

Calvert’s diverse market and business development expertise are reflected in the more than 40 national and international, association and private industry magazines and websites she has worked with, created communities with and monetized. A short-list includes:

  • VP, Marketing, Vim & Vigor (McMurry) – 1M+ hospital-licensed circulation; quarterly print national healthcare magazine;
  • Sales Manager, Nursing and Nursing’s Annual Directory (Reed Elsevier) – 500MM individual subscriber-based paid circulation; monthly print trade magazine and annual print directory;
  • Sales Manager, American Journal of Nursing, Maternal/Child Nursing, Geriatric Nursing, Nursing Research, Nursing Outlook (American Nurses Association) – 280MM membership-based paid circulation; monthly and bi-monthly print association and trade magazines;
  • Sales Manager, Nursing Management (Reed Elsevier) – 60MM hospital-paid circulation; monthly print trade magazine;
  • Director, Wildlife Conservation (Wildlife Conservation Society) – 180MM individual subscriber-based paid and membership-paid circulation; bi-monthly print consumer magazine;
  • Sales Manager, Roads & Bridges (Scranton Gillette) – 60MM controlled circulation; monthly print trade magazine;
  • Group Publisher & Sales Director, Newaves (Personal Communications Industry Association) – 40MM membership-based paid circulation; bi-monthly print association and telecommunications trade magazine;
  • Group Publisher & Editorial Director, Dividends (Staples) – 300MM controlled program circulation; bi-monthly print small business magazine;
  • Publisher & Sales Director, Chicagoland Apartment Guide (Primedia) – 1M+ free circulation; weekly print consumer real estate guide; plus – 5M+ unique visitors; first national online apartment finder website;
  • Publishers Representative, The Military Engineer, SAME’s News, SAME Directory (Society of American Military Engineers) – 30MM membership-based paid circulation, bi-monthly print and online magazine and newsletter, and print and online directory.

As Vice President, Marketing, for McMurry, Calvert managed the organization, structure and implementation of the national marketing plan for the country’s largest healthcare magazine, which boasted more than one million hospital-licensed circulation with a $1M+ annual revenue stream. As Group Publisher for Staples’ Dividends magazine and the Personal Communications Industry Association’s (PCIA) Newaves magazine, she was responsible for business development agreements with Microsoft, Intel, MasterCard and Sprint, thus creating ancillary revenue streams via alliances, programs, partnerships and sponsorships. While at the American Nurses Association and Wildlife Conservation Society, Calvert achieved growth rates of 75 percent by targeting new revenue streams.

Calvert’s 11 years as a U.S. federal/Department of Defense consultant was the impetus to her founding the non-profit Center for a Better Life (CBL) in 2007 and livebetter. The latter is CBL’s 250,000 subscriber-based magazine, which focuses on holistic decision-making for international security and sustainability. CBL and livebetter boast a long list of world-renowned scientists and researchers; photographers; high-ranking federal executives; political appointees and military general officers and admirals as its public/private partners and supporters.

In addition, Calvert is a U.S. federal agency/DoD facilitator and advocate of international dialogues on alternative perspectives and global concerns in international security and sustainability. She has sponsored and led numerous international events with high-level federal and military leaders, C-level industry participants and well-known academics from such diverse geographies as Iran and The Netherlands to such diverse stakeholders as the U.S. Navy and U.S. Marines, and members of the International League of Conservation Photographers.

Calvert is also a facilitator and advocate of K-12 sustainability and STEM education. She was part of a team that received a grant from the Office of Naval Research to develop STEM K-12 gamification education software. The group researched, designed and developed three prototype games on natural resources conservation, emergency medicine and maritime security.

Calvert received her B.A. and is finishing her M.A., Liberal Studies, at West Virginia University. Her graduate focus combines history and political science with a Graduate Certificate in Women’s Studies. She is a veteran of the U.S. Army, Military Intelligence, with advanced training at the Defense Language Institute/Foreign Language Center (DLI/FLC) in Monterey, Calif. Calvert has interviewed senior military leaders and politicals extensively on the diverse subject of international security and sustainability, and has written more than 50 published articles on the topic. She is also an actively engaged volunteer with multiple international non-profits, particularly in Haiti and Uganda, and sits on several non-profit boards.