Case Study:

The Graphic Realization of a Brand Strategy

Disability Rights Legal Center Identity Update


  • Create consistent and recognizable images for DRLC and its programs.
  • Update the look and feel to progressive and inviting images.
  • Present the new DRLC logo as an evolution of the previous one, not a wholesale departure.
  • Connect the individual program logos to the whole organization and its logo.


  • The logos must connect DRLC to its supporters and users in a friendly and approachable manner.
  • The designs must be visually accessible for the disabled while being an integral part of the organization’s new overall branding.
  • The designs must be adaptable, extendable, clean and scaleable for multiples uses: website, letterhead, business cards, brochures, posters, ads, etc.
  • The logos must be timeless, credible and distinctive while allowing for future changes to the mission and programs.

Branding Elements

  • Create a family of graphic elements – symbols, fonts and layout.
  • Identify a color palette that works for the visually impaired, evolves from the past into the present and evokes a feeling of comfort and security consistent with the mission.
  • Develop and design program names and acronyms that fit into a family and work together or apart.
  • Review effectiveness, distinction and impact, and successful completion of criteria.

Starting Point

DRLC old logo

New DRLC Logo


Program Logos and Usage Guidelines

DRLC logo applications