About the Shared Value Group

“Shared value is defining a whole new set of best practices that all companies must embrace. It will also become an integral part of strategy.”*

The Shared Value Group (SVG) consists of non-profit, for profit and former federal senior leaders who specialize in strengthening operational capacity, reducing operational costs and enhancing stakeholder value. We utilize a holistic sustainability business model focused on economic and social transformation, which sustains the mission and betters the world within a real-world scenario.

Our methods free non-profits from the perpetual cycle of non-profit funding, and for-profits from disenfranchised bottom-line results. SVG works with organizations to be driving forces for social, economic, environmental and humanitarian change because we understand that business, the nation and global community cannot move forward unless we do so together.

“Shared value requires . . . the ability to collaborate across profit/non-profit boundaries.”*

SVG’s vision is to build consumer and business advocacy for, and public/private involvement with, all aspects of business sustainability by enhancing and shaping public understanding of its importance. We partner with private industry, federal departments and agencies, universities and research organizations, NGOs and other relevant organizations to raise awareness of this synergistic approach to realizing our shared goals of personal, environmental and economic well-being.

“A host of factors, such as the growing social awareness of employees and citizens and the increased scarcity of natural resources, will drive unprecedented opportunities to create shared value.”*

*Harvard Business Review, Creating Shared Value, Michael E. Porter and Mark R. Kramer, Jan-Feb 2011.


Transformation, Six Ways

The solutions that we provide are tailored to fit your specific needs, and fall into six categories. This stems from the experience of our team, helping businesses to transform and better accomplish their missions. (Press on a topic below to read more.)


Economic icon

Revenue fuels the engines of all businesses. It provides opportunity and enables them to accomplish their missions, goals and objectives. Our team’s experience ranges from sales, business development and corporate alliances to program and publications income, membership and all things related to traditional fundraising like grants and donations.

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Organizational success stems from leadership, vision and agility. Our approach to optimizing policies, procedures and strategies takes culture (shared sense of mission, traditions and attitudes) into consideration when driving transformation. Areas of focus include staff analysis and education, knowledge management, diversity and inclusion.
Federal Relations

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Business engagement with federal departments and agencies can be a tremendous asset for public policy and business development. When navigating access, you need a goal-oriented and experienced guide, who matches needs with opportunities. We help businesses develop good working relationships that are mutually beneficial, and the key is protocol.

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Satisfying global needs is a critical component of shared values, and sustainability is a big part of that. Besides helping with solutions for your organization’s sustainability, we drive transformation for those you serve, as well as your supply chain. We excel in a variety of areas from green procurement to conservation to human security.
Beneficial Social Formations

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Perception is reality for most people. Therefore, how your organization is seen and understood in your community is critical. From managing the message in strategic communications to outreach, advocacy, stakeholder engagement and public/private partnerships, we strengthen your essential touch points with customers, members and supporters.

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The rapid pace of technological advances presents a dizzying array of options. Our pragmatic approach draws on vast experience in cloud technology, application development, mobile optimization and analytics. We take great care to develop technology solutions that match your needs, and that scale and evolve with your future transformation in mind.

The solutions we provide are tailored to fit your specific needs. The best place to start is to contact us.